
24 October 2007

80th post commemorative poll

Originally started as a means for me to share my small collection of orchids with the world through a series of In The Greenhouse posts (remember those, anyone?) this blog has evolved into the garden of earthly delights you see today. Eclectic Epiphytes and Electrophoretic Epigrams has amassed 80 posts since it started two years ago in October of 2005. Can you believe it? I feel it's pretty impressive, given that I'm not the most prolific of bloggers. In the span of those two years I've tried to provide some insight into the things inside my head. In order to celebrate this auspicious occasion, I'd like you to participate in a poll to select the best post from the (E&E)² Herbarium! Yes, folks, your vote counts!

I have selected ten of my personal favourite posts from over the years:

  • the post singing the praises of my favourite molecule
  • the post unconvering the seedy underbelly of orchid shows
  • the post about rare records
  • the post where I revealed personal stuff... kind-of
  • the post listing cool things to do with biotechnology
  • the post about my ultimate fanboy experience
  • the post about the dangers of working in a lab
  • the post explaining the intricacies of collecting first edition books
  • the post with the mystery squid
  • the post about my whirlwind trip to Cape Town

That's the list. Use the links to delve into the archive. Use the polling box in the sidebar to cast your vote. You can only vote once, and the poll closes at the end of November 2007. I hope you've had as much fun reading my inane ramblings as I've had writing them. Here's to the next two years of digital gardening!


  1. happy, happy! ek het jou blog gevind in 'n stadium waar ek seker was ek al klaar al die moontlike cool mense wat daar in pretoria mag wees, opgespoor het, en daar net dommes oorbly... jy het my volkome verkeerd bewys-

  2. That'll take some time, Teoh, but I'll dig into your posts when I can. In the meantime: Do you take requests? If so, I'd love to read your take on macrobats. Flying Foxes, giant fruit bats, etc. fascinate me. Something to think about for the future, perhaps?

  3. your posts rock.

    very enjoyable.

    did i win something for voting?


  4. you are adorable! of course i'm going to vote!

    i also wanted to tell you something that you may not have found in my blog thus far. i'm a closet biology lover. it was my second favourite subject in school. also, i'm studying to be a pharmacy tech. have you ever read anything by Annie Dillard? she's a biology major turned writer, while maintaining her scientific interests along the way.

  5. Anonymous2:14 pm

    Thanks for the invitation to take a trip back. They're all great posts. My favorites are the ginger molecule, the biotech ideas, and the lab dangers.

  6. Jy het een van die heel interessantste blogs, regtig. Ek kan deesdae nie verby orgidee stap sonder om vir 'n oomblik te stop en begeer nie. En ek het die afgelope naweek The Orchid Thief van Susan Orleans by 'n tweedehandse boekwinkel gekoop.

    Maar my gunsteling post is "We're one, but we're not the same."

  7. Okay, Teoh, I voted.

  8. I love 'We are one, but were not the same'. I think of it often... I think it's probably the most memorable blog posts I have ever read.
    Loving the fact that you have a huge fan base - you better start blogging more!

  9. Anonymous10:29 am

    I think you need a post to show poll results.

  10. Thank you all so much for the overwhelming response! I appreciate each and every comment. I have some more posts coming up soon, and the results from the poll will be available at the end of November.

    I love you all.

  11. hey, eoh,
    feeling homesick much?

    i wish i could get on a plane and come talk to you about my probs and things. alas. im in jozi this weekend, wanna come visit?


    a pity.

    lookin' forward to them poll results. it's like a popularity contest for your writing. but, it's unfair, coz they are all brilliant posts!

  12. Right, so this has NOTHING to do with this post, specifically. I found you on SleekPelt's blog... and realized that I have found a kindred spirit. I am in love with orchids... and, admittedly so, know nothing about them. My only education has come from a phallenopsis that I was given as a housewarming present just over a year ago, which is doing wonderfully though I can't get it to flower again.

    I also have a soft-spot for you because your langauge. When I see Afrikaans posted on your comments, I get nostalgic for my SA friends and turn to mush.

    You are now officially on my blog list... :-)

  13. ""The flower is a leaf mad with love."
    - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    Off to vote!

  14. Anonymous1:53 pm

    Are you cooking up a new post for us? I'm interested to see what you delve into next.

    BTW, would you like to trade links?

  15. Thanks guys! Hopefully the new post will be up by tonight - I need to study for a nasty statistics exam, though, so my time is rather divided. I welcome all links, of course - Jason, your link should be under Other Gardens now.

  16. Anonymous7:54 am

    Thanks! I've made you a Barred Owl.
