
24 November 2006

Post # 50

I spend Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday with my new old computer, fixing my real-time PCR graphs on SigmaPlot. I also fix my old amino acid sequence alignments and feel kind of in control. Thursday I make a Powerpoint presentation (30 slides, a new record!) and watch Pourquoi pas moi? again and wonder the same thing. Crazy by Patsy Cline fills the air. As the credits roll a calmness overtakes me. I start thinking that things are going to be pretty okay from now on. Change is in the air, maybe even for me. Pressure drops. I go and stand outside in the rain.

I give my final talk in the Genetics Department today, as part of our annual postgraduate symposium. I kind of enjoy giving everyone a comprehensive overview of my research. It does look like there was a point to all of the suffering after all. Apparently the Fulbright people are negotiating my tuition fees with the people at Colorado State, so that looks like it's becoming a reality. Lunch is served outside, in the FABI courtyard by the koi pond. Lasagne and a fresh garden salad. Prepared by the same people who normally do the yucky food for the residences. Who knew they had it in them?

I am indescribably tired, but you know what? It's been a good week.


  1. Good thing you're bouncing back so quickly :)

  2. sounds like a beautiful beginning...

  3. Congratulations on 50 quality posts!
    Things always have this odd way of working themselves out - looks like it's finally happening.

  4. Thanks Twanji, but I actually think more than 50% of them have been pretty mediocre...

    Literature Review: check
    Materials & Methods: check
    Results: check
    Figures & Tables: check
    Preface: not check
    Discussion: not check
    Summary: not check

    Come on, Leon-me-lad, you can do it!
