
18 November 2006

It never rains

I think the universe likes me. Why else would it have such a friggin' interest in me? Monday morning when I switched my PC on, the fan went on as usual... and that was it. Nothing else. No hard drive noises, no booting, no Windows. Nada. After taking it to several computer shops (I do not trust a single opinion) the consensus was that my motherboard was fried. However, (ah, lucky-lucky-lucky me) this specific motherboard is no longer manufactured (I bought the thing in 2003) and therefore I had to purchase a new CPU as well. And apparently nobody uses a measly 256MB of RAM, so I had to buy 512MB of that as well. Five days, two grand, two hard drive formattings and two operating installation procedures later, I have a PC that more or less resembles the one I had last week. What a waste of time, especially now when I cannot afford it. Now what I'd like to know is: why?


  1. Sorry to hear it. But hey - you got an upgrade! Surely you notice some kind of difference?

  2. Ek haat sulke dae. Maar soos Mike sĂȘ: die bright side is 'n upgrade!

  3. ...die downside is dat jy R2000 moet spandeer op sulke onvoorsiene probleempies net voor die desembervakansie. aaklig.

  4. its at times like those you start wondering... how much do i really need this pc.

    but, if its the only one you've got, what can ya do?

  5. Probably because when it rains, it pours? Better for all the crap to be suffered in one full swoop than gradually imho...

  6. Anonymous10:52 am

    Well at least you are back to being productive again and you somewhat have the means to have gotten this done. Any update on your testing sitch?

  7. You are not alone. A couple of months ago my PC set me back about two grand as well - an upgrade gone horribly wrong.
    The way I see it, the universe is just doing these things to us so that the other inhabitants don't get jealous of our perfection.

  8. Thanks for all the kind words, guys. The PC is back up and running - I have, in fact, finished all of the graphs for my thesis... statistically significant avec standard error bars and everything. It's starting to look quite yummy after all.
