In The Greenhouse (05/12)
This November we have finally had some rain, which all the plants appreciate. Nothing is more pleasurable than the sight of green root tips exploring the growing medium around an orchid with swollen pseudobulbs. If I can just prevent the snails from snacking on these tropical delicacies, that would be even better...
Den. Aquatum Halawa. A delightful miniature hardcane Dendrobium with bigibbum- and antelope-type species in its ancestry.
Blc. Rustic Spots. A very interesting Brassolaeliocattleya, because the flowers change colour as they mature. The photograph on the left was taken the day the flower opened, a rich, dark brown colour. The photograph on the right is of the same flower, taken a week later, the flower being a copper colour with more prominent spotting. I love the spots on the labellum, which resemble bits of embedded metal.
Den. Burana Charming. A hardcane I adopted from a friend. Seems that white flowers with purple lips are much the thing for November.
Epc. El Hatillo. A yummy hybrid with Encyclia tampensis in its parentage. This is the most prolific flowering I've had since I purchased it about three years ago - bright light is the key. According to its label it is actually a back-cross with an alba variety of Enc. tampensis (without the purple labellum), but it looks pretty much like a normal El Hatillo to me.
Phal. (Jane Doe). This tagless Phalaenopsis hybrid has interesting colour combinations.
Epi. Orange Glow. The largest reedstem Epidendrum in my collection. The flowers are enormous (for an epi!) and have a wonderful iridescence.
Phrag. Sedenii. Yes, it has finally flowered! Lots of new buds are on their way, as well as another flower spike. This is a very beautiful and exciting plant: it just makes me want to collect some more Phragmipediums. Take a look at Phrag. Flash Gordan and Phrag. Jimi Hendrix at! As Jenny Holzer said: "Protect me from what I want", because if this doesn't cause orchid fever, nothing will!
Den. hercoglossum. The teeny-tiny flowers have dark anther caps. It grows under shade net in a hanging basket suspended beneath the staging next to the house (could I be any more specific?).
Vasco. (Ascda. Tubtim Velvet 4N x Vasco. Five Friendship). A new acquisition. This Vascostylis is compact (necessary if you consider the size of my greenhouse), yet retains the impact (could be the polyploidy in its lineage). Full shape.
Laelia purpurata (Treasure of Carpinterio AM/AOS x Pink Dawn HCC/AOS). A cross between two awarded var. schusteriana selections. Yummy! This monster produced 15 flowers on four spikes and is the single most auspicious flowering event since I accidentally read The Orchid Thief by Susan Orlean in 2001 and started on this insane journey! The flowers were between 15cm and 20cm in diameter and emitted a delightfully sophisticated fragrance. Yummy, I say!
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